You will construct a concept map on the topic of Newtons Laws of Motion?. You concept map should include the following terms: – Mass – Inertia – Newtons first law – Force – Equilibrium – Kin

The post You will construct a concept map on the topic of Newtons Laws of Motion?. You concept map should include the following terms: – Mass – Inertia – Newtons first law – Force – Equilibrium – Kin is a property of College Pal
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You will construct a concept map on the topic of “Newton’s Laws of Motion”. You concept map should include the following terms:

– Mass

– Inertia

– Newton’s first law

– Force

– Equilibrium

– Kinematics

– Distance and Displacement

– Projectiles

– Newton’s second law

– Newton’s third law

 The other form of representation could be a picture, an equation, a diagram, a graph, an example problem, a real-world application, or any other representation that helps to understand the relationship  yu need to follow the example attached and obviously not copying it


Newton’s Laws of Motion Concept Map Instructions


During our investigation of Newton’s laws, we have encountered many new concepts, but we have also been revisiting and expanding upon previously covered concepts. To help us keep all of these ideas organized and to help us form connections between them, we will be building a concept map.

A concept map is a type of graphic organizer that shows connections between ideas. Ideas that are related in some way are connected by a line/arrow. A description of how the concepts are related is given beside the line. This description often takes the form of words, pictures, diagrams, or equations.

Here is an example of a concept map that might be created for a unit in a biology class:

Note that the “B5” in the center of the page denotes the unit or overarching topic of the concept map.


You will construct a concept map on the topic of “Newton’s Laws of Motion”. You concept map should include the following terms:

· Mass

· Inertia

· Newton’s first law

· Force

· Equilibrium

· Newton’s second law

· Newton’s third law

· Three other terms of your choosing (from this unit or from previous units)

You must show how the concepts are related to each other using at least two different forms of representation. One of the representations must be in the form of words describing the relationship between the concepts. The other form of representation could be a picture, an equation, a diagram, a graph, an example problem, a real-world application, or any other representation that helps you to understand the relationship.

The concept map example for the biology class is hand drawn, but there are also many tools for making concept maps electronically. The momentum concept map example above was created using a website called Lucidchart . It does require an account, but many of its features are free to use. There are many similar websites that allow you to create concept maps. You may choose to construct your concept map on paper or electronically.

The final concept map product will be submitted through Schoology. If it is made on paper, you should submit a photo (or photos if it is multiple pages). If it is done electronically, you should submit a pdf.

The rubric which will be used to evaluate your concept map can be seen below. This is a major summative assignment and will account for 20% of your quarter grade.

The concept map is due on 1/18-19 (A day, B day).


0 points

1 point

3 points

5 points


Points Earned

Concepts included on the map

The concept map contains 3 or fewer concepts.

The concept map contains at least 4 different concepts.

The concept map contains at least 8 different concepts.

The concept map contains 10 different concepts.



Forms of representation

There are no connections made between concepts or they are not represented in an appropriate way (as described in the instructions)

There is at least 1 form of representation for the connection between each concept.

There are at least 2 forms of representation for the connection between each concept.

There are at least 2 forms of representation for the connection between each concept. Of these, 1 is a description of the relationship in words.



Organization and Accuracy

There is no order to the structure of the concept map and it is difficult to understand. Most of the content is inaccurate.

The concept map is difficult to read or not well organized. The content of the map has considerable errors.

The concept map is easy to read and well organized. The content of the map has a few minor errors.

The concept map is easy to read and well organized. The content of the map is mostly accurate.



Submitted on Time

The concept map is not submitted by the due date and no attempt is made to reachout to the teacher.

The concept map is submitted by the due date.



Total Points: ___/28



The post You will construct a concept map on the topic of Newtons Laws of Motion?. You concept map should include the following terms: – Mass – Inertia – Newtons first law – Force – Equilibrium – Kin appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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