Part 1: Please define interest rates and HOW they determined (for example, Prime, LIBOR……). Also please do some research on the current mortgage interest rates in the USA and the impacts of the low rate environment on the home financing boom.
Part 2 Reflection: Reflect on the information you read during this week, the discussions you participated in, and your current event assignment. You must also give an example of how a topic we covered during this week applies to a real-world scenario in either your professional or personal life. There is a 100-word requirement for this assignment. Please use Refection Template posted under “Getting Started”.
Part 1: Compare and contrast capital markets and money markets in terms of similarities and differences. Please provide two real-life examples of each market.
Part 2: Refection forum – Reflect on the information you read during this week, the discussions you participated in, and your current event assignment. You must also give an example of how a topic we covered during this week applies to a real-world scenario in either your professional or personal life.
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