theories of social psychology in learning, motivation, and cognition in an organization, a workplace, a school, or government setting, or even a family system.

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Theories of learning, motivation, and cognition help us make sense of how we learn, where motivation comes from and the forms it takes, as well as the job that cognitive processes take on within social interactions. Aspects of social cognition include how we perceive, process, and save information we acquire about people and social scenarios. Understanding factors that impact learning, motivation, and how we think about things allows health services practitioners to analyze and pose inferences about the interactions, attitudes, and beliefs of the people they seek to help.

This assignment requires you to review and synthesize case studies to compose an analysis paper that examines theories of social psychology in learning, motivation, and cognition in an organization, a workplace, a school, or government setting, or even a family system.

Review the research literature in the online APU Library or Google Scholar to identify one or more studies where theories of learning, motivation and cognition are examined in the context of an organization, work environment, school, government or family scenario.
Analyze at least 3 case(s) for how learning, motivation and/or thinking (cognition) are positively or negatively impacted by the conditions studied.
Cite scholarly/authoritative articles about research studies that show how learning, motivation or thinking could be positively impacted.
Submit your written analysis by the specified deadline for final grading.
Word Count (excluding title and reference page): 600-750 words
Relevant case studies related to learning, motivation, and/or thinking
Analysis of negative/Positive impacts on learning, motivation, and/or thinking
Citations of scholarly/authoritative studies that promote learning, motivation, or thinking
Citation Requirements: Minimum 3 scholarly authoritative (beyond the textbook)
APA formatting
Title page
Reference page
Plagiarism submission
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You can access the Originality Report by clicking on the Similarity link next to your submitted text or file in the Grading Summary below. The Similarity link will appear about 5 minutes after your submission.
After reviewing the Originality Report, revise any content in your writing that is seen as a direct copy from other sources, as shown in the Originality Report.
To reduce the chances for plagiarism, always add quotation marks around any words that you have copied from other sources and include a properly formatted reference to those sources within the text of your paper, as well as on a References page.
To completely avoid any potential for plagiarism, rewrite the content using your own words to paraphrase it rather than directly quoting it.
In either case, always cite your sources within the text and on the References page, whether you directly quote or paraphrase someone else’s writing

The post theories of social psychology in learning, motivation, and cognition in an organization, a workplace, a school, or government setting, or even a family system. appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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