The Gulf Economic Diversification Paper/ Assignment Help

Course Assessment Weighting Academic Success Program Level 6 Final essay 20% Date Aims This assessment aims to help you develop the following skills: • • • • • Develop your grammar and vocabulary to help you use language more accurately when you write. Develop your writing to enable you to write longer pieces of text using appropriate academic writing conventions (layout, paragraphs, referencing). Produce well-structured written texts showing controlled use of the conventions used in academic writing. Express a degree of fluency and accuracy that enables communication in an academic context. Demonstrate an understanding of a range of semi-authentic and written texts which are of an academic nature. Guidelines • The assessment includes writing a cause-and-effect essay between 1,000 -1,200 words. • You will need to include a minimum of 4 academic sources using Harvard Referencing. A list of references must be provided at the end of your essay. This is not part of the word count. • You will need to choose one question to write an essay from the following topics: o Health o Society & Economics Essay questions Choose one essay question to write your essay: Topic: Health 1. The Centers for Disease Control in the United States reports that individuals who refuse the coronavirus vaccine are 14 times more likely to die from COVID-related complications and 68 more likely to face mortality when compared to someone who has received two and three doses of a vaccine, respectively1. What is one main cause for individuals refusing to vaccinate and what is one possible and main effect of this decision. Topic: Society & Economics 2. Over the past three decades, the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) have invested in economic diversification. What is one main cause for economic diversification and one possible and main effect2. Formatting Please submit your essay in the following format: a. Microsoft Word b. Times New Roman, c. Font size 12 for main text d. 1.5 line spacing 1 2 Gharbi (2022). The Guardian. Iqbal and Fasano-Filho (2003). From Oil Dependence to Diversification. Submission details Submission should be via Canvas using Turnitin. A link will appear on Canvas for submission. The following rules apply to assignments: Up to and including three days late – maximum grade of 70% More than three days late – grade of 0% • Overlength answers will lose marks. For every 10% over the word limit, 5 points will be deducted from the initial scoreii. The word limit for this assessment is 1,000 – 1,200 words. • The word count of an assessment includes all material such as quotations and quantitative or qualitative data presented within the main body of the text, but does not include references/bibliography or supplementary material presented in the form of an appendix or title of a figure or table. Short answers are unlikely to meet assessment criteria (see ‘Writing Assessment Descriptors’) Grading • The total grade for this assessment makes up 20% of the course. • Grades are divided equally between the following five categories: o Content o Range, accuracy & appropriacy of vocabulary o Accuracy & control of grammar o Structure & organization o Use of sources Please see the below for further details. Content Range, accuracy & appropriacy of vocabulary Accuracy & control of grammar Structure & organization o o Range of lexis o Use of terminology o Accurate use of lexis o Precise/ expressive use of lexis o Word formation o Spelling o Style/ word choice o o o o o o Subject knowledge Critical evaluation Argumentation o Factual/ conceptual accuracy Addressing aims/ questions Evidence o Justified conclusions o o o o o o o Use of complex structures Control of sentence structure Clarity of articulation Flexibility of expression Accurate use of tense/ aspect Pronouns, substitution and linking Frequency of errors Severity of errors o o o o o o o o i University of Gloucestershire Academic Regulations for Taught Provision, 6.6 ii University of Gloucestershire Academic Regulations for Taught Provision, 6.14 iii University of Gloucestershire Academic Regulations for Taught Provision, 6.16 – 6.21 Following the text Navigating the text Logical sequencing Coherent progression of paragraphs Cohesive links between paragraphs Introductions/ conclusions Clear central focus to paragraphs Transitions within paragraphs Signposting / signaling Use of sources o o o o o o Range of sources Appropriacy of sources Exploitation of sources Integration of sources In-text referencing Presentation of reference list

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