Submit a SWOT analysis of Blackrock Inc., ticker symbol BLK. (A SWOT analysis is intended to be a study of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to a company

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business writing question

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer

Submit a SWOT analysis of Blackrock Inc., ticker symbol BLK. (A SWOT analysis is intended to be a study of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to a company.
You are to look up the company with its ticker symbol, BLK, and conduct a SWOT analysis of that company relying at least in part on its financial statements but also on other publicly available information such as industry averages, news about Blackrock Inc. and its competition, etc.
Because you can copy the financial statement data from their pages and paste it directly into an Excel file, you should use as your primary source for question #1 but you are encouraged to use other resources as needed (e.g.,,,,, etc.
What to do: Answer the four questions and directions listed below.
Attach an Excel spreadsheet containing Blackrocks quarterly balance sheets and income statements for the first three quarters of 2022. Insert three rows at the top of your spreadsheet and, using cell references and equations, compute the debt ratio in the first quarter in cell A1, compute the net profit margin from the first quarter in cell B1, and compute the return on equity from the first quarter in cell C1. Do the same in the second and third rows but using the second and third quarter numbers (cell references) to make the calculations. (Note: If youre using as the source for your spreadsheet data then you would do the following to find data to copy and paste into your spreadsheet: in the ?search box near the top of the web page on the right enter your companys ticker symbol, BLK. To find BLKs financial statements, look under ?financials in the left-frame below ‘charts,’ fifth section down.)
What do you believe to be the (a) Strengths, (b) Weaknesses, (c) Opportunities, and (d) Threats to BLK. (Note: You will have to do your own research but your answer should contain detailed lists along with explanations for each part, (a), (b), (c), and (d).)
Make some general observations about BLK. Are there things about this company that concern you? Given your research, do you think that BLK stock is a good investment opportunity? Justify your opinion.
Find at least one company in each of the 11 stock market sectors for which Blackrock is not one of the top three equity holders. (Note: To determine who the top equity holders (i.e., owners) are, you can use any source you like. One convenient source for this information is Yahoo Finance – just type any corporation’s ticker symbol in the search box at the top of the page, then on the summary page click “holders” which should be just below the price display; it’s the eleventh tab in the row, just between “options” and “sustainability.?)
Requirements: 20 percent grade worth | .xls file

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