Sociology Minimum Wage Discussion/ Assignment help

Question Description

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Read the following article Nickel & Dimed, and consider the way minimum wage workers are treated, and your own experiences with minimum wage work in our society.

Compare several types of social mobility.
Describe the U.S. class structure.

Part I.Minimum wage workers often report feeling invisible. Where do you encounter minimum wage workers? What sorts of services do they provide? Have you ever worked in a low-wage job? If so, what was your experience?Part II.After reading the article, answer the following questions:

Why do you think low-wage workers are reluctant to form labor organizations as Ehrenreich discovered in her experiences? How do you think employees should lobby to improve working conditions?
Ehrenreich found that she could not survive on $7.00 per hour — not if she wanted to live indoors. Consider how her experiment would have played out in your community: Find out what the minimum wage of your state is and limiting yourself to that hourly wage, create a hypothetical monthly budget for your part of the country. Is it possible to live off of that income? What does it mean in our society to “live comfortably”?

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