Silvertown describes on p 86 a test to evaluate whether phylogeny may explain the appearance of plant niches in Gowing’s dataset – for example if all monocots in his 60 species dat

The post Silvertown describes on p 86 a test to evaluate whether phylogeny may explain the appearance of plant niches in Gowing’s dataset – for example if all monocots in his 60 species dat is a property of College Pal
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Silvertown describes on p 86 a test to evaluate whether phylogeny may explain the appearance of plant niches in Gowing’s dataset – for example if all monocots in his 60 species dataset occupied one portion of niche space, and dicots occupied a different part of niche space. This would mean that niches could only explain the coexistence of a monocot and a dicot, but would not contribute to the maintenance of multiple species within these groups in the grassland ecosystem. Draw two X-Y graphs with labeled axes, and populate one graph with monocots (X) and dicots (O) assuming that there was a strong phylogenetic signal (ie, these two groups are very similar) and the second graph assuming that there was no phylogenetic signal (as it turned out in reality).

The post Silvertown describes on p 86 a test to evaluate whether phylogeny may explain the appearance of plant niches in Gowing’s dataset – for example if all monocots in his 60 species dat appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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