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38899Describe a scenario you have experienced or could experience in your area of hospitality that has led to conflict. Identify the source of the conflict and draft an outline for a conflict management plan. Assess two possible methods of managing the conflict. Identify steps that will best enable you to resolve the conflict for the most benefit.

As a part of your analysis, note some key points that are required to be followed.

Identify symptoms and indicators
Identify emotional aspects [if left unresolved] and effects on workplace performance
Identify possible alternative outcomes
Identify roles
Identify resolution strategies
The scenario should be related to your field of interest, such as a restaurant scenario for food service concentration.

Determine if the conflict was/is functional or dysfunctional and explain why.

For your peer replies, include a comparison of one of the two conflict management strategies presented by your classmates with an additional, third strategy you propose. Present an alternate process and explain how that may be used to resolve the conflict. Compare the methods and anticipated results.

The post Scenario appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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