Saudi Made Products: Towards Diversification of Saudi Arabian Economy as a Panacea for Human Empowerment Assignment Help

Saudi Made Products: Towards Diversification of Saudi Arabian Economy as a Panacea for Human Empowerment Abstract Introduction: The Ministry of Economy and Planning has been championing economic transformation of Saudi Arabia which began when modern Kingdom was established in 1932. Several economic plans had been initiated in the country and most previous studies focused on Saudi’s economic plans covering 45 years where many aspects like oil, conglomerates, industrials, financials, consumer services etc. were covered. Statement of the Problem: There is a problem of over-dependence on the importation of expensive foreign products and little focus is given to the non-oil sectors especially initiation some local products such as electronics, motorbikes, cloth materials, military equipment etc. that will attract global economy through the activities of private sectors that will start entrepreneurial activities in the country. Objective: The primary objective of this paper is to explore a large scale of economic diversification towards initiation of Saudi made products in order to foster human empowerment so as to attain Saudi Arabian vision 2030. Methodology: Survey research design will be used in this study. Questionnaire will be used as instrument for data collection. Validity and reliability of the research instrument will be established. The population of the study comprised young citizens that have dreams of becoming entrepreneurs, manufacturers and those that have attended technical schools, vocational training with basic knowledge such as design and drawing. The sample of 165 will be drawn from the overall population whereby snowball sampling technique will be used to get the respondents. The data will be collected via online especially business and entrepreneurship platforms and the collected data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Findings: The findings anticipate that, initiation of various local industries and companies that will champion Saudi made products will certainly address the importation of expensive foreign products and such products to be made in Saudi will attract global markets since the country is a member of World Trade Organization (WTO). Practical Applications of the Study: This study will be practically useful to the Ministry of Economy and Planning which has been concerned of economic diversification and transformation in the country specifically in order to achieve Vision 2030. Novelty/Originality of this Study: Many previous studies focused on oil, conglomerates, industrials, financials, consumer services. However, this study tries to address over-dependence on foreign products by canvassing for the diversification of economy by initiating industries and companies on Saudi made products such as cloth materials, electronics, telecommunications, motorbikes, military equipment and many others. Recommendations: It is therefore recommended that, in an attempt to promote Saudi made products, basic knowledge of students with technical & vocational trainings and designing and drawing should be considered as requisites for sending students abroad for acquisition of knowledge. Also, there is need for legal framework for the initiation of industries and companies for Saudi made products. Lastly, the government should demonstrate seriousness, commitment and self-esteem towards promoting the agenda of Saudization as well as to achieve the country’s vision 2030 through human empowerment. Keywords: Saudi Made Products, Economic Diversification, Human empowerment

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