Review?the information about SWOT analysis in the?University Library. After reviewing the information,?assume?you are a public health nurse in an urban community. Prepare?a 500-word summa

The post Review?the information about SWOT analysis in the?University Library. After reviewing the information,?assume?you are a public health nurse in an urban community. Prepare?a 500-word summa is a property of College Pal
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Review the information about SWOT analysis in the University Library.

After reviewing the information, assume you are a public health nurse in an urban community.

Prepare a 500-word summary for your fellow public health nurses in your community, answering the following questions:

How might a SWOT analysis be used when evaluating resources in your community? 
How would it help you, as a public health nurse, to understand which agency to advocate for over another?
What information would you share with other community members?


Week 1: SWOT Analysis

Content: 90 points possible

Points possible

Points earned

Describes how a SWOT analysis can be used to evaluate community resources


Describes how a SWOT analysis can help public health nurses understand which agencies to advocate for over others.


Identifies information regarding the use of a SWOT analysis to share with other community members.


Format: 10 points possible

Points possible

Points earned

Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and scholarly


Points earned/possible


The post Review?the information about SWOT analysis in the?University Library. After reviewing the information,?assume?you are a public health nurse in an urban community. Prepare?a 500-word summa appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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