NU560 Research Methods & Evidence Based Practice

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11158It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA format.
According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the Masters prepared nurse “recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies research outcomes within the practice setting, resolves practice problems, works as a change agent, and disseminates results.” Many research ideas emerge from practice and/or the educational environment. Formulating a well-built research question is challenging. Asking the right question facilitates the search process when conducting a review of the literature.

Read the article “Asking the clinical question: A key step in evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site..”
After reading the article, create your own PICOT question around the topic you selected that will be used for your Unit 2 Introduction to an Evidence-Based Practice Problem. In your discussion post, complete the following:

Describe your selected topic and its significance
Share and discuss your created PICOT question.
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

Your initial response is due by Friday at 11:59 pm CT.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

The post NU560 Research Methods & Evidence Based Practice appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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