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38927Background: You are tasked by the Vice President of Operations of the employee physician group to create an infographic that can be sent to all employees. The infographic is to educate the employees on accountability in healthcare. See details below on what you will need to include in your infographic.

Creating an infographic is easy using a free online infographic maker. Some of the free infographic makers are listed below, but you can choose one of your own as well.

Free Online Infographic Maker by Canva

Free Infographic Maker: Create Your Own Infographic Online | Adobe Express

Free Infographic Maker | 230+ Unique Templates | Piktochart

Infographic Maker Free – Create Infographics Online | VistaCreate

Create an Infographic by addressing the following information:

The importance of accountability in the health care industry
Explain how employees will be measured on accountability
Include examples of ethical decision-making and poor decision-making
Illustrate or explain the checks-and-balances process within an organization
List the positive impact accountability can have on the organizational culture
List the negative impact of the lack of accountability can have on the organizational culture
Steps to take to maintain a positive working culture and avoid a culture of blame

Include at least 2 scholarly peer-reviewed references in APA format at the bottom of your infographic for all information that was obtained from a source. You do not have to include citations unless you use information verbatim.

Format your infographic to be pleasing to the eye – not too busy, professional and include references according to APA formatting guidelines.

The post Leadership appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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