INT 620 Global Banking, Bond, Equity, and Money Markets: Risk Mitigation Strategies Assignment Help

INT 620 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric: Risk Mitigation Strategies
Overview: For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will analyze risk mitigation strategies for your selected company. Additionally, you will calculate the
impacts foreign currencies have on the overall revenue and profit structure of your selected company.
Prompt: First, review the annual financial statements (Form 10-K) for your selected company. You can either retrieve the statements from the webpage SEC
EDGAR Company Filings or directly from the company’s website, often listed under “Investor Information.” Review the Module Five resources, including the
website Historical Exchange Rates, and review the Module Three and Four resources.
Next, complete the spreadsheet Milestone Two: Foreign Currency Impact, which analyzes the foreign currency impact on your selected company. To complete
this part of the milestone, you will need to review at least three years’ worth of annual financial reports.
Finally, complete the Final Project Milestone Two section in the Final Project Template. The paper should outline what hedging techniques your selected
company is currently using. You need to research the annual statement and look for foreign currencies and their treatment, the derivative contract specifically
used for hedging, and any other notes on hedging in the company’s annual financial statements. Further, you will need to analyze specific foreign currency
transactions listed in the financial statements.
The following critical elements must be addressed:
 Section 2: Risk Mitigation Strategies
A. Determine current financial and strategic impacts of international risks to inform risk mitigation strategies. In other words, what kind of risks is
your company exposed to (translation, transaction, economic, operating, etc.) and why?
B. Explain how to mitigate foreign exchange rate risk.
C. Identify the tools the company is currently using to mitigate its foreign exchange risk. This should be done using the annual financial
D. Calculate the financial impacts of international foreign exchange risk to inform risk mitigation strategies. This will be done in an Excel
spreadsheet. There are instructions in the spreadsheet to guide you step-by-step through the exercise.
E. Propose future mitigation strategies based on the prospective market for your corporation including addressing risks that are not currently
being efficiently mitigated for your corporation.
Be sure to reference your completed Final Project Milestone One document as well as any other pertinent course resources to support your responses.
Incorporate instructor feedback on this milestone into your final project submission.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be submitted as a Word document, 2–3 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and the latest edition of the APA manual for formatting and citations.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Section 2: Current Impacts Determines current financial and strategic
impacts of international risks to inform risk
mitigation strategies
Determines current financial and strategic
impacts of international risks to inform risk
mitigation strategies but is missing key ideas
Does not determine current
financial and strategic impacts of
international risks to inform risk
mitigation strategies
Section 2: Mitigate Foreign
Exchange Rate Risk
Explains how to mitigate foreign exchange
rate risk
Explains how to mitigate foreign exchange
rate risk but explanation is incomplete or
Does not explain how to mitigate
foreign exchange rate risk
Section 2: Tools Defends the tools the company is currently
using to mitigate foreign exchange risk
Defends the tools the company is currently
using to mitigate foreign exchange risk but
reasons provided are minor, incomplete, or
Does not defend the tools the
company is currently using to
mitigate foreign exchange risk
Section 2: Financial
Analyzes financial impacts of international
foreign exchange risk to support risk
mitigation strategies
Analyzes financial impacts of international
foreign exchange risk to support risk
mitigation strategies in a way that is
incomplete or unclear
Does not analyze financial impacts
of international foreign exchange
risk to support risk mitigation
Section 2: Future
Mitigation Strategies
Proposes future mitigation strategies based
on the prospective market for the
corporation including addressing risks that
are not currently being efficiently mitigated
for the corporation
Proposes future mitigation strategies based
on the prospective market for the corporation
but proposal does not include risks that are
not currently efficiently mitigated
Does not propose future mitigation
strategies based on the prospective
market for the corporation
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization that
prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%

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