In Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse Language, written a few years after “What is an Author?,” Foucault further elaborated a theory of language and effects. He postulated that “in

The post In Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse Language, written a few years after “What is an Author?,” Foucault further elaborated a theory of language and effects. He postulated that “in is a property of College Pal
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social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Prompt: In Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse Language, written a few years after “What is an Author?,” Foucault further elaborated a theory of language and effects. He postulated that “in every society the production of discourse [language of communication and debate] is at once controlled, selected, organized and distributed according to a certain number of procedures, whose role is to avert its powers and its dangers” (216). So how exactly is discourse ‘powerful,’ and how might it possibly be construed as ‘dangerous’? If ascribing meaning to authorial intention is just one way of controlling the effects of certain discourses, what are other means? For example, how does ‘expertise’ govern who can speak on certain issues and who can’t? How do labels like ‘political’ or ‘unpatriotic’ or ’emotional,’ when attached to discourse, serve to contain its effects? (The Theory Toolbox, 20)
Directions: Each week, you will be asked to participate in a short discussion based on the textbook readings. There will be a prompt, but it is also serves as opportunity to ask questions of your classmates for clarity. Attempting to translate ideas and explain to others is the highest level of comprehension! Minimum requirements: 1 post of 150 words and at least 2 responses to classmates (75 words min each). Your original post must include at least one citation (with page number) from the text(s) that week or a specific summary of the text with a specific page number. Your response must go beyond agreement/praise of your peer, but instead further the discussion and analysis of the materials.
Here is a step by step video on how to do this assignment:
—————————– In a different work doc————————-
Reading Options:
Communications/History: Michael Schudson, The Fall, Rise, and Fall of Media Trust (2019)
Literature: David Foster Wallace, “Octet” (1999) [PDF attached below]
Philosophy: Robin James, “Cloudy Logic (2015)
Directions: Each week, you will be asked to apply what you have learned into a short summary and response of a cultural object related to a discipline in the Humanities. The summary and response should be between 400-500 words. The summary should be only about 100 words. The response should directly incorporate the relevant textbook chapter in an analysis of the cultural object and constitute the majority of your post.
As you move through the modules, you cannot choose 1 discipline (philosophy, literature, communications, history, IDS) more than twice for the cultural object.
Here is a step-by-step video on how to do this assignment:
Requirements: any

The post In Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse Language, written a few years after “What is an Author?,” Foucault further elaborated a theory of language and effects. He postulated that “in appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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