I need this done tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest

watch an episode of the tv show, ” the profit.” and write an essay as outlined below about the show. Please watch season 2 episode 202. 


Watch an episode of, “The Profit.” and write a 6-8 page  paper as outlined in the file. 




Both are links to the full episode!! Someone please help i really need this done very quickly and professionally. 


This is the episode the essay needs to be on. Can you have this done and given to my by tuesday night wednesday AM. before 9am. 


Written Presentation Guidelines for Final Project.

·      All papers must be in APA format and follow all APA guidelines.

·      12 to 15 pages in length.

·      Double Spaced

·      12-point font.

Your final product will have:

1.     Cover page in APA format

a.    Cover page must have all team members†names.

b.    Cover page must have an abstract explaining what the paper is about.

2.          6-8 pages of solid content as described below

a.    Be succinct in your writing. You are not writing a novel, so avoid verbosity to stretch the word count.

b.    Analyze the case/episode. You can bring in outside resources to make your point, but you should stick to the case/episode for most of your content.

c.     In-text references in APA format.

3.     Works Cited Page in APA format

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