I need this done by the end of today! i paid for this assignment on here and it was flagged on turnitin

By Tuesday, May 10, 2016, using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper. Refer to the APA resources found in the course home page, and thoroughly address each of the following questions:

Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.

Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
Do you feel the trend toward diverse families is positive or negative?
If the trend changed toward traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect womenâ€s rights?

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