how will LEGO Company practice mass customization?

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In general terms, how will LEGO Company practice mass customization? Specifically:


1. Who are the customer types for LEGO? You may also want to think in term of B2B. Who are the MVCs? The MGCs? The BZs? Go back to chapter 5 of your textbook to refresh your knowledge.


2. What are customers buying when they purchase LEGO sets?


3. If customers purchase packages of LEGOs to resell, what else do they need? What is their expanded need set?


4. What is the opportunity to lock customers into a learning relationship and build share of customer for LEGO?


5. Is there any opportunity, ever, at all, for LEGO to build learning relationships with any end user? How and why?


The post how will LEGO Company practice mass customization? appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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