Health Informatics and Ethics

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Imagine that you are a member of the health professional information technology (IT) innovation council in a community hospital system. The council is exploring the use of smartphones as a support for recently discharged patients with chronic illnesses. Healthcare professionals will be readily available by phone for a patient if he or she has questions or concerns regarding treatments or medications. Consequently, the patient will not have to schedule office visits each time it is necessary to confer with a physician. With the patient’s approval, this information could then be shared with all the members of the patient’s healthcare team via the healthcare information system.

You are asked to investigate the potential of such a system and to present your findings to the council via a presentation. In your presentation, be sure to cover the following points:

A brief description of how you believe the smartphone system will work,

An explanation of why it is important to have the ability to share a patient’s health information via a health care information system ( at least three paragraphs), and

An explanation of the ethical considerations that will have to be addressed (at least three paragraphs) if a decision is made to trial the smartphone system, and

How these considerations will be addressed.

Your presentation should consist of an introduction, the four points mentioned above, and a conclusion. At least 10 paragraphs in all. At least three peer-reviewed or scholarly resources should be used for this presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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