GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment Help

Assignment Grading Rubric GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment Rubric This Excel Assignment is related to the specific issues in this case. This case is to be completed using Excel spreadsheet analysis. The case analysis will be evaluated using the following rubric. At least 20% of a case study grade is related to the technical format used in setting up the multiple charts and creating the formulas used to determine the correct answers in this case analysis. Case Study Analysis Rubric Grade Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research, and Organization 100% 50% 50 points 15 points 90– 100% 45–50 points Response successfully answers the Assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text, case, and other literature to support responses. The main response to each task is developed clearly. All responses are supported well (no errors in logic) using the correct sources as assigned in the case. Sources are thoughtfully used professional and Web sources. References are provided to support the location from where outside information was used. Skillfully addresses counterarguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Analysis and Critical Thinking 30% 25 points Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format 20% 10 points Response exhibits strong higher- Technical skills are strong. order critical thinking and Appropriate to the Assignment, analysis (e.g., evaluation). accurate (no far-fetched, unsupported calculations), Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, precise (clearly says what you comparisons, and inferences. mean), and concise (not wordy). Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessments based on evaluation and synthesis of information. Assignment is in 12-point font when explanations are required. Narrative sections are correctly done. Assignment is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, spelling, and graphical information help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions. Assignment Grading Rubric GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Grade 80–89% 40–44 points Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research, and Organization Response answers the Assignment question(s) with only minor digressions; sufficiently uses the text and other sources. Provides good to average responses that requires some explanation but that form a good basis. Analysis and Critical Thinking Response generally exhibits higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Case study shows some original thought. Analysis includes adequate classifications, explanations, comparisons, and inferences. Supports most responses correctly (no logical errors) using Critical thinking includes adequate judgments, outside sources as assigned. conclusions, and assessments based on evaluation and Does not ignore data contradicting its claim, though synthesis of information. the refutation may need additional support. Refers to outside sources in the text and reference page. Grade Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research, and Organization Analysis and Critical Thinking Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format Internally, each section has good organization. Transitions found between and within sections are mostly clear and effective. Generally appropriate to the Assignment, accurate (no farfetched, unsupported calculations), precise, and concise. Includes a title page and reference page. Assignment is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are correctly spaced. Assignment contains some minor grammatical and punctuation errors. Few misspellings. Some miscalculations that carry over. Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format Assignment Grading Rubric GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Grade 70–79% 35–39 points Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research, and Organization Response answers the Assignment with some errors; sufficiently uses the text and other literature to support their responses. Analysis and Critical Thinking Response exhibits limited higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., application of information). Analysis includes limited Shows too little original thoughts classifications, explanations, that are not developed to support comparisons, and inferences. the responses. Critical thinking includes limited Some responses are not judgments, conclusions, and supported with logic or assessments based on explanation. The Assignment evaluation and synthesis of does not meet the requirements information. of completion. Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format Assignment is not done in Excel but Word. Calculations are not done correctly or not done at all. Explanations are occasionally wordy or ambiguous; analytical skills are not adequate with more than two to three wrong calculations. The Assignment is not well organized. Lacks clear calculations and explanations of the data of those calculations or confusing. The overall structure of the Assignment is not effective. Acceptable in places, but elsewhere vague responses interfere with the development and clarity of the main conclusions at the end of each response. Numerous grammatical and calculation errors. Wrong interpretations are more frequent. An attempt at Excel was made, but there are multiple errors Assignment Grading Rubric GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Grade 60–69% 30–34 points 0–59% 0–29 points Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research, and Organization Response answers few of the Assignment’s questions significantly. Response insufficiently answers any of the Assignments questions. Analysis and Critical Thinking Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format Response exhibits simplistic or reductive thinking and analysis but does not demonstrate comprehension of the data and how it is to be applied to the case study responses. Response is generally ambiguous. Grammatical skills are inadequate, clarity and meaning are impaired, and typically three to five errors in the responses. Response exhibits simplistic or reductive thinking and analysis and demonstrates limited knowledge on the subject matter. Lack of use of Excel. Response is unclear enough to impair meaning, analytical and grammatical skills are incompetent for college level, and typically six or more errors for the responses. Unacceptable use of Excel format. This Assignment will involve the creation of a simple wage and salary program. You will complete this Assignment utilizing Excel. You will find the grading rubric for this Assignment following the case study. Case Study: This organization has over 10 different positions; due to the lack of having an HR professional who understands compensation issues, it is without any salary structure for the employees. The job titles are: • Operator • Mechanic • Electrician • Supervisor • Administrative Assistant • Sales Professional • Sales Manager • HRM Manager • Operations Manager • President Your task is to identify the ranking order of these jobs in the business based on least to most value to the organization. This is accomplished by the following: 1. You will need to do some research at and benchmark these positions using regional data or national data and rank the salaries of the employees. 2. You can use an objective point system to assign points using compensable factors for the jobs as well. 3. Next, you will tally the points for each position and assign these jobs to specific pay grades. Now you have created an example of how a compensation professional creates pay grades for internal consistency and external competitiveness. Here is the Assignment grading rubric.

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