Evaluate internal and external factors to consider as part of the preparation for learning and development activities: Facilitate Personalized and Performance Focused Learning Assignment Help, CIPD, UK

Evaluate internal and external factors to consider as part of the preparation for learning and development activities: Facilitate Personalized and Performance Focused Learning Assignment, CIPD, UK

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 

Facilitate Personalized and Performance Focused Learning

Evaluate internal and external factors to consider as part of the preparation for learning and development activities.
Prepare a range of personalized, accessible learning resources to enhance learning.
Discuss the concept of facilitation and facilitation techniques that can be applied to support learning.
Demonstrate techniques for monitoring the effectiveness of learning activities, including making adjustments to meet the needs of individual learners within a group context.
Explore the ethical factors involved in the facilitation of learning.
Deliver or facilitate an inclusive learning and development activity using resources that meet objectives.
Explain the concept of ‘transfer of learning’ and its significance in workplace learning.
Critically assess strategies for supporting the transfer of learning from learning and development activities to the workplace.
Evaluate the role of line managers in supporting the transfer of learning for their team members, and how learning and development can support them in this.

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