Discuss possible reasons why you can exercise briefly at workloads greater than the workload at which VO2max is achieved. What factors limit VO2max so that in a graded exercise tes

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Discuss possible reasons why you can exercise briefly at workloads greater than the workload at which VO2max is achieved. What factors limit VO2max so that in a graded exercise test, when VO2max is achieved, increasing the workload further no longer causes an increase in oxygen uptake?
In our textbook chapter 7 page 210 says, “VO2max (also called aerobic power) represents the greatest amount of oxygen a person can use to produce ATP aerobically on a per-minute basis…” Your VO2max depends on a few factors being your age, gender, skill, body size and motivation. I think we can exercise briefly at workloads greater than the workload at which VO2max is archived by basically training our body’s to do so. On page 214 there’s a series of test mentioned and one of the sections talks about how they tested 44 men on a treadmill until the “point of exhaustion” and then let them rest for 2 minutes and then tested them again and they noticed higher test scores. Another helpful; factor could also be (from the same section and page) that they were also given verbal encouragements to keep going. VO2max’s limiting factors is the ability of the cardiograms system to deliver oxygen to exercising muscles. It also depends on the amount of Glycogen stored in the body.
What is your opinion on the response given towards the above questions?

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