Describe how Differential association theory would explain the motivation, or the why, behind the deviant or criminal behavior illustrated in your scenario

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Using Differential association theory:

1. Explain what motivated you to select this particular theory as opposed to others.

2. Describe a scenario involving deviant or criminal behavior (shoplifting, vandalism, public drunkenness, running a traffic light, etc.) police officers are likely to encounter as part of their regular duties.

3. Describe how Differential association theory would explain the motivation, or the why, behind the deviant or criminal behavior illustrated in your scenario.

4. Determine at least two possible actions a police officer could take in response to the behavior in your scenario that align with Differential association theory and empathy training.

The post Describe how Differential association theory would explain the motivation, or the why, behind the deviant or criminal behavior illustrated in your scenario appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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