Consider the space truss represented schematically in Figure 1. It has 21 struts ar-4 and a fixed support at “A”. At joint “G”: Engineering Statistics Assignment, UOB, UK

Question 1

Consider the space truss represented schematically in Figure 1. It has 21 struts ar-4 and a fixed support at “A”. At joint “G”, it is applied a force vector with a d component of -20 N, along the x-axis, and a component of 10 N, along the y-axis, as shown in Figure 1. Using the method of joints, calculate the forces for the struts converging at joint “E”, i.e. the forces for struts “EA”, “EB”, “EF”, “EG”, “ED” and “EH” and specify if the struts are in tension or in compression.

Question 2

Consider the truss shown in Figure 2. It has a mass of 1, 2, or 3 kg applied at one joint “B”, “C” or “D”. The trusses have six load cells attached to the struts, as depicted in Figure 2 by the black rectangles 1-6. The struts are connected through hinges at the joints.

Construct the Free Body Diagram (FBD) for the entire truss in Figure 2 and calculate the supporting forces at point “A” and point “I”.
By using the method of sections, calculate the forces in the struts with the load cells (1-6) attached.
Provide a short discussion of the experimental laboratory for the truss in Figure 2 and compare your analytical results at load cells (1-6) with the experimental measurements for the loading case depicted in Figure 2.

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