Case Study Reaction Paper: FJ and Pedophilia

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38932This course requires two reaction papers (Weeks 2 and 6). You will react to two extensive case studies and answer the prompts provided. A reaction paper is just what its name suggests; it is a paper explaining your reaction to a case study. Your reaction will involve your opinion and analysis of each case. Keep in mind that you are writing a formal essay prepared for an academic audience. Like any good essay, your reaction paper should answer the prompts and support your perspective with detailed explanation.

Each paper must be three pages long at minimum; you can write more if you wish. While you must follow APA format, your paper does not require an abstract. Please understand that following APA format in terms of margins and font is very important and makes up a good portion of the paper grade. However, no references are necessary; the paper is to be in your own words. In addition to the APA Guide, the following website should prove valuable to you when writing this

The post Case Study Reaction Paper: FJ and Pedophilia appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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