“Author Review and Formatting Request for Your Published Article in SCJILB”

I’m excited to let you know that the SCJILB has finished editing your article! It is now ready for the final step before publication: author review. During this process, you’ll look over the edited article to check if the changes our editors made are to your liking, and make any comments or changes that you feel are necessary. We only ask that you turn on the Track Changes function on Word so that we can see your edits.
Respectfully, we have one formatting suggestion we’d like you to consider during your review period regarding the use of bulleted/numbered lists (such as the ones appearing on page 6 and from page 45-end). Per our style and formatting guidelines, plain text is preferred whenever possible unless a bulleted list necessary. Usually, our staff editors will convert the bulleted lists into text-based ones. However, given the quantity and length of these lists, especially toward the end, our editorial thought it would best to ask you to reformat them so to better preserve your voice and style.
Ideally, we’d love to have your reviewed article back by next Friday, February 2, so that we can quickly apply your suggestions and prepare your article for publication. Of course, please let me know if you need any extra time.
Thanks again for your hard work and collaboration! We hope that you consider SCJILB for any future articles you may write.

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