artificial intelligence project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. i will upload a full explanation of the project in details as word doc, as well as i will uplo

The post artificial intelligence project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

i will upload a full explanation of the project in details as word doc, as well as i will uplo is a property of College Pal
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artificial intelligence project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

i will upload a full explanation of the project in details as word doc, as well as i will upload the “Source File” that contains all data to be used in this project as well as the “Rubric” to follow all steps requirement.
after finishing the project, can you please provide me a summary (for my reference) that explains the project in details as i am going to represent the project and explain it. i would like to be aware of the steps applied, highly appreciated.
Requirements: as required
Building a PowerBI Report for Waggle (using Microsoft POWER BI)
Project Overview
You work as a business intelligence analyst for Waggle, a startup that makes smart devices for pets. Recently, Waggle has been thrilled by the success of their new Lapdog device, a fitness collar that lets owners track their dogs steps, alerts them when its time for a walk, and even repels fleas! Reviews have been fantastic, sales are growing, and?best of all?the product really works!
This success has led Waggles CEO to push for a feline version but there are concerns about its viability. For this reason, the product team distributed 1,000 Lapcat prototypes for field testing. Now, after months of data collection, you have been tasked with delivering a boardroom-ready Power BI report that tells the story of how the Lapcat data compares to findings from the dog collar Lapdog devices. Youre excited because your work will be presented at the highest levels of the company and will either help convince the CEO that Lapcat is the next big thing or a costly mistake to be avoided.
Business Requests:
The CEO is curious about the following questions:
Did the average daily steps increase for cats wearing the device as they did for dogs?
Were owners of Lapcat devices as satisfied with the product as Lapdog owners?
The Chief Marketing Officer would like your report to be on-brand? by including only colors from the Waggle color palette, the Waggle logo, and other approved company logos and icons.
The product team trusts you to incorporate other visuals and insights as you see fit but is most interested in demographic comparisons between the dogs and cats using Waggle devices as well as any information about the families who own the pets. They would also like slicers to help them filter and explore on their own.
Resources and Basic Requirements:
A data model has already been provided for you in the Power BI file, as well as a variety of Waggle marketing images and branding guidelines.
Your report should demonstrate:
best practices in clean layout design and color use,
utilize at least 7 different Power BI visualizations,
include buttons for navigation between pages and/or bookmarks,
satisfy the business requests stated above.
Project Steps
Review the included data model and business questions and identify which fields can be used to design metrics that answer the CEOs questions. (That’s all, just understand the data!)
Develop one or more visualizations that specifically address the CEOs questions about whether there was a difference in average daily steps over time between the two devices and how Lapcat owners rated their device compared to Lapdog owners.
Address the product teams request for demographic insights, using each of the following visuals at least once: Bar chart, line chart, donut chart, table/matrix, scatter plot, bubble map, and card.
Place your data visualizations and design an appropriate layout that emphasizes the most important findings first, with the CEO’s questions answered on the first page, insights about the differences between dogs and cats on the second, and insights about the families who own the pets on the third.
In your data visualizations, incorporate the branding elements requested by the Chief Marketing Officer.
Please include at least five slicers on each page with at least one example of a drop-down slicer, at least one example of a slider slicer, at least one example of a hierarchy slicer, at least one example of a slicer with Select All? enabled, and one example of a slicer with the search box enabled.
Create at least two bookmark features. One must allow users to dynamically swap one visual out with a different one and another must reset all applied filters on the page.
Create buttons that help your users navigate your report. Buttons must respond when users hover over them by changing color or size (or both!).
(source file will be uploaded separately in study pool website)
By the end of this project, you will zip your Power BI report (.pbix file) and upload the zip file for grading.
Details and steps of the Project
Build a Custom Theme
Open the .pbix file and create a?custom theme?using the provided color palette in the marketing collateral. Custom themes are created by navigating to the View pane of the Power BI Desktop ribbon, expanding Themes?, and selecting Customize Current Theme?.
Know Your Data!
Explore the provided data model and familiarize yourself with the provided tables and fields. As you look at the data, consider the following:
What is the granularity or detail level of each table?
What kind of information is captured in each table?
What are the relationships between the tables?
Some reminders about color.
Before beginning your data visualizations, really confirm that your color palette matches the colors mentioned earlier. All colors used in your report should come from this color palette.?You do not have to use all colors provided; in fact, using only two or three is recommended (Black, white, and shades of gray do not count as palette colors and may be used at your discretion )
As you create your visuals, review your color choices for?consistency?across the report. Make sure that if you picked a color to represent a certain concept in a legend on your chart, that the same color or color schema is used in other visuals with the same legend.
Example: You have a bar chart comparing data for Dogs? and Cats?. In the chart, blue represents?dogs?and red represents?cats?. However, on the next page, a similar chart is used but blue is suddenly used for?cats?and red for?dogs, without explanation.
Which button above do you find easiest to read?
Now imagine if those buttons were a lot smaller.
Make sure all colors are laid over appropriate background colors (if any) for?maximum readability. For example, avoid using white text on lighter backgrounds (white on light gray) and avoid overlaying similar colors (green text on blue background). Light text is difficult to read on bright backgrounds and some colors just don’t blend well. Contrast is king.
Two more things…
Remember to consider which types of data are appropriate for each visualization. This project is evaluating your ability to pair business data with appropriate kinds of visuals, so please carefully consider which visuals will do the best at highlighting comparisons or trends within the data. If we ask to see something over time and you give us a pie chart, expect us to ask you to try again.
Please also remember to appropriately?format all values?displayed prominently in the report (especially in cards). If a number needs commas and a dollar-sign, please provide them by properly formatting the field in question. Your audience should never have to guess what kind of number they’re viewing!
Data Visualization (Answer the CEO’s questions!)
To address the CEOs first question,?create one or two visualizations that highlight the difference (if any) between average daily steps over time recorded on Lapdog devices vs. Lapcat devices. Your visual must display the trend over time by year and month.
To address the CEOs second question,?create one or two visualizations that highlight the difference (if any) between the customer ratings for Lapdog devices vs. Lapcat devices. The CEO does not need to see this metric over time.
Explore for other insights.
Please also provide visualizations highlighting insights and other findings from the dataset. Please provide insights from the?pet data?table as well as the?family data?table, and?create one example of each of the following visuals:
Bar chart
Line chart
Donut chart
Scatter plot
Bubble Map
Examples: What percent of felines using Lapcat were male versus female? What was the breakdown of dogs using Lapdog by breed? What is the average household income for families in each state?

Layout and Report Design
Once all data visuals have been created, start to design your layout. Your layout should include the following:
A header/banner on each page that includes the title of the report page and the Waggle logo
An area either on the left-hand side of your report or below the banner for slicers that can be used to filter the report
An area either on the left-hand side of your report or below the banner for buttons that can be used to navigate the report
Only Waggle-approved palette colors and black, white, shades of gr
Organizing your report.
Please organize your report according to the following guidelines:
The?first page?should highlight the CEOs business questions, specifically calling out the differences in average step count and average user rating (if any) between Lapdog and Lapcat devices
The?second page?should focus on insights related to pets using the device
The?third page?should focus on insights related to the families that own the pets
Don’t forget the little things.
Please add?unique, descriptive titles?to each page in your header/banner and to your visuals.
Example: Performance Report: Pet Insights
Example: Average Daily Steps Over Time (Lapdog Devices)
Interactivity and Filtering
On each page of your report, please include at least five slicers derived from the provided datasets demonstrating at least one of each of the following slicer visualization options:
A slider-enabled slicer
A hierarchy-enabled slicer
A drop-down slicer
A slicer with Select All? enabled
A slicer with search box enabled
For the slider slicer, consider which fields in the data lend themselves to users wanting to select a range of values. For the hierarchy slicer, consider which fields in the data contain values that make up the subcomponents of values in a different field.
Tip: The product team has specifically requested slicers that help them filter pets and families so please avoid giving them only date slicers. Help them explore by giving them slicers appropriate for the data they’re viewing on each page.
Controls and Navigation:
Help your users find what they need.
Create buttons to help your user navigate your report and prove your comfort with the formatting options of buttons. Your buttons must respond when users hover over them by changing color and/or size as a way of showing that they can be interacted with.
Please create the following button types:
Back buttons on the second and third page.d
Page navigation buttons for each page in your report.
Please label your page navigation buttons Home?, Pets?, and Families? and make sure it is clear to the user on each page which button is active and which buttons are inactive.
Next,?use Power BIs bookmark capabilities to give users the ability to swap two visuals of your choosing. You may use buttons or any of the provided images as your bookmark triggers, but make sure you convey to the user that this feature exists and what the buttons do.?It must be clear to the user which bookmark is active or inactive at any given time.?Smart use of color and size can help your user know if a bookmark is active or inactive.
Bookmarks are configured by enabling the Bookmarks and Selection blades from the View pane of the Power BI Desktop ribbon.
Using bookmarks again,?design a Reset? or Clear Filters? button that will instantly reset all filters?to their default state. Because this button will have a clearing effect, it is recommended that the button flash red when users hover over them and that they grow in size; this alert will get the user’s attention before they trigger the reset.
Hint: Did your slicers revert back to their default settings when you triggered your bookmark? If so, fix the slicers, and then remember to update your bookmark by opening the bookmark pane, right-clicking the bookmark, and clicking Update?. It is important to always update your bookmarks when making changes to visualizations in your report.
Project Rubric

The post artificial intelligence project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

i will upload a full explanation of the project in details as word doc, as well as i will uplo appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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