Annual Review Report- Assignment 2

 Hi Professor Jim,


Also please use the following attached  format for the WORD document of this homework since we are  need to submit the homeowork using this format for all WORD document artifacts.




Assignment 2: Annual Report Review


Due Week 6, Day 7 (225 points)


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


• Analyze financial statements using financial ratios.

• Analyze and evaluate cash flows over time.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in financial management.

• Write clearly and concisely about financial management using proper writing mechanics.




This project requires that you conduct a financial analysis of two, comparable organizations chosen from


the provided listing. Let your professor know which two companies you plan to study before the end of


Week 3, as your selection must be approved. The professor reserves the right to limit the number of


students comparing the same two organizations.




1. Carefully review the annual reports for both organizations. Comment on what approach each


company has taken in reporting to its shareholders. (This requirement is purposely broad to give


you the freedom to talk about anything under the broad title of “reporting to shareholders”).


2. Using the provided Excel spreadsheet, prepare a ratio analysis for both companies including a


trend analysis for three years. Comment on the significance of the ratios for each company (do


they indicate that things are all right, do they suggest that problems exist, or is it likely that


problems will occur in the future?). Comment specifically on the similarities and differences


among the ratios calculated for both companies and comparison to any benchmark.


3. Prepare an analysis of the cash flow statements for both companies.


4. List and discuss the importance of the two most significant accounting policies adopted by the


two organizations (you should select the same two policies for both organizations). Explain the


options selected by both companies and comment on any differences that you see. Explain what


other policies the organizations could have selected and state why you think they selected one


policy over another.


5. Provide the URLâ€s for each companyâ€s Annual Report.


Your assignment should adhere to these guidelines:


• Write in a logical, well-organized formal business style. Use Times New Roman font size 12 or


similar, double space, and leave ample white space (i.e., 1-inch margins) per page.


• All references must follow JWMI style guide and works must be cited appropriately. Check with


your professor for any additional instructions on citations. Reference pages are not included in


the assignment page length.


• On the first page or in a header, include the title of the assignment, the studentâ€s name, the


professorâ€s name, the course title, and the date.


• Faculty members have discretion to penalize for assignments that do not follow these guidelines.


Check with your individual professor if you feel the assignment requires a much longer or shorter


treatment than recommended.




Note- I ahve atatched the course guide for your reference and look for Assignment 2 in that to get clear picture on my homework.


Also atatched is the excel template for this assignment plus note from my professor on how the final assignment should be-

It breaks the process down into three steps: 


Step 1 – print out the first tab’s two pages & make notes on what the ratio analyses mean to you. You can type directly into the ‘notes’ cells, but all other cells are password protected.


Step 2 – key four years worth of selected financial data for each company into the data tab.  Type each company’s name in the cells provided at the top.  If you are not using 2009-2012 financial data, replace those years with the ones you are using.  Only the shaded cells are available; all other cells are password protected. 


Step 3 – Print out tab #3….which contains selected financial ratios from pages 380-381.  These selected analyses are the minimum you should review and discuss.  You can include any other ratios/analyses in your paper that you believe are important.

NOTE 1:  If you are not familiar with how to copy the results tab into your Word document, then just be sure to upload your Excel file along with your paper.  Do not waste valuable time stressing over the copy/paste process.  Instead, create grids/tables at the end of your Word file and type selected ratio/analysis results into the table. Then, refer to your table in your discussions.  EX:  Appendix 3 displays the Working Capital trends for both companies. From these figures, it is apparent that Company 1 is in a far better position than Company 2.



NOTE 2:  Remember to keep the tone of your paper professional, objective, and factual.  Do Not use first person (I, me, we, you, your, etc).  Provide citations for your facts and resources.  


Instead of…   As you can see in Appendix 1, Company A has a better Earnings Per Share. This tells us that… 


Reword as…    Appendix 1 contains the Earnings Per Share data. Based on the discussion of this financial ratio in Lecture ### (JWMI citation), it is apparent that Company A’s trend has….. while Company B’s trend has….   One potential result of these trends is that the investors of Company…..


NOTE 3:  Use the Rubric’s grading criteria as a guide for creating your section headings. This way, you will not accidentally forget to cover a topic and the reader(s) of your paper do not have to hunt for your required topics.


NOTE 4:  The body of your paper should be about 8-12 pages in length.  In addition to the body of your paper, you should also have (a) Title Page, (b) Abstract (or Executive Summary) page, and (c) Reference pages.





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